Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (2024)

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Thank you for Bidding with Larry!


Hand #1061

North deals, None Vul, IMPs

Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (4)943
Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (5)AKJ102
Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (6)AJ95
Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (7)A

PassPass1Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (8)
2Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (9)Dbl3Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (10)?

Current No of Bidders: 4593




4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (11)


4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (12)


4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (13)


5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (14)


6Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (15)


Comment(s) - 426

Dbl "This shows a good hand with at least two spades - that's what I have. It isn't pure penalties (who can cater to a spade stack on this auction), so if partner leaves it in he won't have short spades and he will slaughter them. If he pulls, I have left us a lot lower than had I made some big bid like 4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (16)or 5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (17)instead of doubling." -Larry Cohen

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (18)

"P must have 10 pts and a singleton s. " -Tom, Union hall, Va

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (19)

"P should have 10 points for his dbl and the minors" -Tom, Longmeadow , Ma


"Waiting to hear if partner has 4 diamonds. Could be penalty double if all pass." -Jon Williams, Laguna Niguel, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (20)

"Partner is asking me I assume he has a spade stopper" -Jon Williams, Laguna Niguel, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (21)

"Negative double supports my strong heart suit." -Jon Williams, Laguna Niguel, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (22)

"***" -Nishebita Das, Newport, Wales

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (23)

"I’m feeling slamming and this takes 4S off the table." -Peter, Oakville, ON

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (24)

"Partner surely has only a singleton spade. My hearts aren’t six. I think the cue bid is better than 4D which might be mid-understood!" -Peter, Oakville, ON

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (25)

"Go" -Ron

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (26)

"HCP seem adequate for game but not more. Good control outside." -mike

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (27)

"Up to pard where to go from there" -Chip Robertson, Richmond, VA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (28)

"Enough for game with imps." -Richard, Indian Wells, Ca.

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (29)

"Partner has 8 -10 pos & some hearts" -Francis, Ashburn, VA


"xyz" -fikret, ankara, turkiye


"strong hand. prepare 6dia" -fikret, ankara, turkiye

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (30)

"Just guessing. From the options given this is what I would bid. I would have passed, but this wasn't offered. WHY? We can't ALWAYS be pugs in bridge Sometimes we have to concede a hand. How AMERICAN. How TRUMP-LIKE." -Neil, Montreal


"Not too sure here but I think that by doubling I am showing points and letting partner show me his/her preferred suit???" -Neil, Montreal

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (31)

"Partners negative X suggests 5 D and I have 4. She can correct." -Laura, Eureka, Ca


"4H would be a sign off, so let partner pick a suit and if it is C I can still go up or to Blackwood." -Laura, Eureka, Ca

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (32)

"If partner has Ace of Spades, this should make." -Jim, Kittery, Maine

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (33)

"Press on to Game in originally-declared suit. P's double suggests 10 HCPs in addition to South's 17." -Richard J Pearse, Bethesda, MD

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (34)

"Opener passed and then bid DBL to show limit raise for hearts" -JJ, Plano , TX

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (35)

"It's altogether possible that partner has x, Qx, KQxxx, Qxxxx, and with decent splits, 6D proves to be effortless. I'm betting on some fly in the ointment that makes 6D too hard to bring in, and will settle for one less." -THOMAS WEBSTER, Ellicott City, MD


"Partner doesn't have 3 hearts and I don't know that we can make 5 Diamonds." -Joan Johnson, Palos Verdes Estates, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (36)

"my be 3NT but opp as spade, so 4 hearts" -Frank , Adelaide, south aust--

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (37)

"It's evident false intervention !" -Juan, Vigo, Espa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (38)

"assuming my partner is using the negative double" -phyllis, paradise valley, az

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (39)

"Partner should have values to be in game. Those 3 spades means that slam is a long shot. " -Donald, Jamestown, RI

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (40)

"we may have 2 losers in spades" -Friedrich, Richterswil

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (41)

"Diamonds are good should be 4-4. Singleton club. Very good Hearts. Partner should have 1 or at most 2 spades" -Steve, Frederick, MD

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (42)

"Show feature." -Jinny, Dallas , Texas

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (43)

"asume partner has only one spade." -Damaris Robinson, Toronto, ON

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (44)

"partners double means he does not have spade and not 3 card hearts you dont have stopper in spade and only one stop in club. New minor opening tell the partner that I have game value but not sure where to go" -urmila, cherry Hill, NJ

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (45)

"Partner being a passed hand, I see no reason to try for six." -Carl, Goleta, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (46)

"Admittedly conservative. But so many things can go wrong in 6D. Double is asking for +300 or +100. And what on earth 4S means?" -Artem, Ukraine

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (47)

"Partner's 10-11 hcp, singleton or void in Spades make very playable 4H contract'" -Corbin, Houston, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (48)

"Partner's double was negative, showing minors. " -MIchael, ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (49)

"This shows an excellent raise to 5D with interest in slam, partner being marked with a singleton spade if the law is to be believed." -Oliver Hoffmann, Auckland, Neuseeland

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (50)

"West preemptively overcall 2spadesNorth 's double short in Spadesdouble didn't support Hearts, yety, so has Diamonds and clubs.I vote 5 Diamonds" -Milt, Winston-Salem, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (51)

"Partner has 7-11 pts without heart support. We can set 3S but opponents are not vul. With my singleton AC we have a shot at 5D so let partner decide. If they go to 4S a double is in the works." -Michael , E Falmouth, MA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (52)

"I think 4 spades says I have a big hand and name your best minor. Then I can correct to the diamonds and if partner has a good hand, he can go to 6 diamonds" -Barbara Harberg, Houston, Texas

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (53)

"At least game, but how do I know if partner has Ace or singleton/void spades?" -Travis Johnson, PORTLAND, OR

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (54)

"Partner double shows points - have to bid the diamonds" -Laura, Sidney, BC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (55)

"Partner says he has some points, and they probably have 9 S between them, so my partner has a singleton or maybe even a void" -Andy, Fremont, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (56)

"Partner says he has some points, and they probably have 9 S between them, so my partner has a singleton or maybe even a void" -Andy, Fremont, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (57)

"Support your partner" -Keith Klafehn, Tallmadge, OH

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (58)

"I am too strong for a 4 diamond bid. 5 diamonds is a stretch but my partner may not go to five if they think I only have 12-14 points. " -Mike, San Luis Obispo, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (59)

"I would to see the North hand" -marie , ST.Lambert, Quebec

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (60)

"Gives my partner a chance to bid 4 hearts (? slam) or 5 diamonds or slam inquiry in diamonds." -Carl , Hallandale Beach, Florida

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (61)

"double indicates shoortage" -Shrikant, pune, maharashtra

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (62)

"Show second suit?" -Verona , Tiburon , Ca

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (63)

"Partner is asking me to make a bid in an unbid suit, so 4 diamonds looks about right here." -Neil Cuthbertson, toronto, Ontario

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (64)

"A veery tough call. Since my heart suit is self-sufficient I'll bid game, but I might be missing slam since partner has at most one spade." -Jim, Northampton, MA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (65)

"Worth trying—defensive bidding " -Barbara, Los Alamitos, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (66)

"Partner's double shows some points.5D." -Shrikant, Pune, Maharashtra India

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (67)

"Should be enough for game" -Chris, West Palm Beach, Florida

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (68)

"N short spades ,S singleton A of clubs ,good -go for it" -Stuart Newberger, Corvallis, Oregon

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (69)

"Partner makes a free bid showing support and it seems good to take the invitation" -Robin, Asheville , NC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (70)

"North has only 1 spade ( or zero)" -Rune Jansson, Almunge, Sverige


"Looking for reaffirmation of hearts (4H) !" -Juan, Vigo, Pontevedra

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (71)

"I prefer to describe my hand. 3 spades doubled Will be not à good choice if NS has a game. " -LOGOTHETIS , LA baule, France

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (72)

"?" -Elizabeth, East Syracuse, NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (73)

"n" -p, m, o

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (74)

"Partner has both minors but may not have enough total points for game in minor so let partner decide on game" -Richard, Patagonia, AZ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (75)

"Partner will be short in spades, " -Gail, Toronto , Canada

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (76)

"Better than noffing 4H" -Humayin, MI

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (77)

"Showing points and distribution is wackyPartner might only have one or two hearts and have both minors" -D, Fernandina Beach, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (78)

"Dbl by ptner = support for hearts" -Verona, Tiburon, Ca

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (79)

"i am not sure how to interpret these bids as I do not know if my partner is doubling for the other suits or is that a 'support' double which i don't really play.. so am not sure." -myrna levin, bala cynwyd, pa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (80)

"To show partner the unbid suit so that he can decide." -Raji Suryanarayanan, Bangalore, Karnataka.


"Please reply" -Phyllis, London, Otario Canada

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (81)

"Showing my other suit" -Jean, Sherwood Forest, California

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (82)

"Why did North dbi and what is he saying to partner" -Lynette , Port of SpainPoT, TrinidadW

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (83)

"Why did north dbi and what is he saying to partner " -Lynette , Port of Spain, Trinidad

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (84)

"Huge hand. Got to go for a game bid. " -Ruth, Lima, Ohio

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (85)

"Not sure what North's double meant!" -Carole, Calgary, Alberta

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (86)

"I have only 6 lopsong trocks, partner double promiss fit and one stop in spade" -Paul, Sjerbrooke, Canada

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (87)

"When they bid 4 Spades, double. " -Rebecca, Berlin, Deutschland

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (88)

"Partner should have singleton spade and both minorsHe can choose between diamond and heart" -Sadasivam, COIMBATORE , India

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (89)

"North is an unpassed hand. Diamonds looks like the best fit. S values are mostly in aces and kings." -Mary, Chesterfield, MO

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (90)

"Partner rates to have only one Spade, and I don't want to be dropped in 4D" -Ben, Sydney, NSW

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (91)

"North made a negative double, saying she has diamonds and clubs, and at least 10 points, so we should have a fit in diamonds, but we might have 3 spade losers, so I would go to four diamonds and if the opponents go to 4 spades I might go to 5 diamonds. " -Joan, Edmonds, WA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (92)

"Pard has announced his minors and a rebid of 4d seems weak to me. Showing a jump to 5d should show my values giving pard a choice. A bid of 4s may get pard to bid clubs instead not interested. " -Trey, Kingman, az

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (93)

"Partner has support for hearts. Opponents are both bidding spades, I have three, so partner must be short.My only question is should I show an interest in slam by bidding the diamonds, probably at the four level to give partner a chance to close out at 4 hearts." -JB, Seattle, WA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (94)

"Looking for slam." -Harriet, Baltimore, mARYLAND

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (95)

"Assuming that the X is 10+ and no fit" -Pat, Guelph , ON

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (96)

"Assuming no special meaning to partner's double, we need to find out where partner's values lie. Since he passed originally, we can rule out a long/strong club suit. Also, partner has a likely singleton or void in spades. I like the jump to 5d, where partner is expected to pass or correct to hearts with minimum values, and may carry on to 6 with fitting cards." -THOMAS WEBSTER, ELLICOTT CITY, MD

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (97)

"I have 18 pts. Partner must have 10 plus. 29 pts good for 5D" -esmail, toronto, canada

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (98)

"I have 18 pts. Partner must have 10 plus. 29 pts good for 5D" -esmail, toronto, canada

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (99)

"with a pass hand dbl gives support to my H i go no more" -bill pirman, amelia, oh

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (100)

"partner might have 4 or 5 diamonds but no pts" -Ronald M Schwartz, Deerfield Beach, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (101)

"Great hand, little worry on Spades" -E.B., Davidson, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (102)

"Asking if partner has a control in spades" -Bob, Clarksville, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (103)

"This further describes my hand. I'm waiting to see what pard does." -Irene

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (104)

"West is weak and east may be using the rule of 17 so may just have opening points. That leaves north possibly having an 8-point negative double hand. A 4 diamond bid has likely found an 8-card fit. There is likely not enough points between N/S to go to 5 or 6 diamonds." -Karen, Puslinch, Ontario, Canada

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (105)

"We have 27 pts between us. I think my partner only has 1 spade but there might be a finesse needed in diamonds." -Janet, Plantation, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (106)

"I really don't know what to do" -Jane Truesdale, Estes Park, CO

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (107)

"Not enough points for a slam try" -Diane, Vancouver, British Columbia

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (108)

"Naming second suit" -Henry E, Southington, Ct

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (109)

"Just a beginner. Not sure. " -Nora, Houghton Lake, Mi

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (110)

"Don't hang partner" -mark hasey, santa cruz, California


"Most of the points belong to south and north. North will decide to leave it or to go for the game." -Lise, St-Lambert, Canada


"Most of the points belong to south and north. North will decide to leave it or to go for the game." -Lise, St-Lambert, Canada


"Most of the points belong to south and north. North will decide to leave it or to go for the game." -Lise, St-Lambert, Canada

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (111)

"4 diamonds to leave room for bidding. I know my partner has a singleton or void in spades but i could be the A. " -Dianna, Houston , Texas

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (112)

"2spades is a weak overcall.5 diamonds seems a logical choice" -Bert, Hobart, Tas

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (113)

"Partner's double indicates other 2 suits. Do not know their strength," -larry laudig, waxahachie, texas

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (114)

"From bidding pd has a singl or void sp 6D make sense" -Amr , Egypt, Cairo

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (115)

"I assume partner 4-4 or 5-4 in the minors, has 1 spade, and has enough playing points to get to game. " -Craig, Richmond, VA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (116)

"Forcing bid show my preference" -Gigi, Sf, Ca


"Hoping partner will bid 3nt, with a stoper or bid hearts or diamonds.I think he gave me a support double." -Barbara A. Drabek, Estero, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (117)

"6d seems a little risky could have spade and diamond to lose" -David, Accrington, LANCASHIRE

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (118)

"think i can make it" -Harriet Bernstein, Highland Park, IL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (119)

"double says I have a stopper in spades and support for your hearts" -fred, carlsbad, ca

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (120)

"Could have slam depending on partners spade holding." -Howard, Deerfield, IL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (121)

"Hearts are ok with only 2 in support " -Verona, Tiburon i, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (122)

"I took North's double to mean he can support Hearts" -Evelyn Peisner, Longwood, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (123)

"West's preemptive bid (6S), North's negative double (S shortness,,4-4 in D and C)), West's 3S support (passed hand),and South's 2 suiter H & D, 17HCP, AC singleton suggest supporting 5D bid" -Richard, Franklin, TN

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (124)

"I take it that North is with me in bearts. Hence my bid of 4 hearts" -kishore, Durban, south Africa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (125)

"I think partner's double of the spades means he like my hearts and has about 10 pts." -Patricia, Cape Town, South Africa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (126)

"North's negative double shows values in minor suits." -Hans, Pretoria, Gauteng

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (127)

"For a negative double after 2S, my partner has 11+ HD points so we are close to the game in diamonds and I let my partner decide if we are there or not by bidding 4D" -Roger, Boucherville, Canada

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (128)

"I want to bid both 5D AND 6D. I wish that all of these quiz allowed me to make two bids at once." -Mike, Enfield, CT

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (129)

"My partner has some values and probably 2 hearts for his double. He will be short in spades and may fill in my diamond suit. I think I can pick up the heart suit and keep control of the hand. Not a sure thing but my best option." -Donald Dascher, Cogan Station, PA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (130)

"Bid what you think you can make. The non-vul game figures to score more than setting 3 spades doubled." -John, Upper Saddle River, NJ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (131)

"Passed hand north so slam unlikely" -Peter, Melbourne, Victoria

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (132)

"Partner should have at least 4 diamonds . I have extra points . Partner should be short in spades. " -steve, normal, IL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (133)

"with partners negative double the best choice is next four card suit. hearts are only 5 carder" -shashikant, Pune, Maharashtra


"P is showing length in both minors, so we should be able to set them at least 2 or 3. Doubled, that is likely to get us a better score than playing it. P hasn't shown any support for Hs and 5D may not be easy to make if they can take 3 Ss off the top. So, take a sure 300 or 500 vs. a chancy 400." -Steve, Madison, Wisconsin (WI)

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (134)

"Takeout double Would assume we can make 5 diamonds " -Alice, Palo Alto,, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (135)

"I'm going to be cautious and invite. There's potential for some pretty wild distribution." -Layne, Rochester, Minnesota

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (136)

"If North's bid is a support double....if not I double" -Benny, FREMONT, MI

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (137)

"Partners double showing both minors, means diamonds are our best bet, I'd be tempted to go straight to 6, but perhaps some restraint with the 3 small spades (hopefully pard is either void or has a singleton)" -Jay, Rainbow Beach, Queensland, Australia

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (138)

"seems 4 D would not show the points of the hand - and part dbl must contain the other 2 suits" -l, laguna niguel, ca

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (139)

"Given auction P has at most singleton S & all HCs are likely working." -Douglas , Coral Gables, Florida

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (140)

"North has at least 4 in the minors. Probably one loser in spades. No stopper in spades for No Trump. I think 6 diamonds is a it too high. 5 diamonds I believe is a good bid!" -Karen, Westhampton, NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (141)

"Partner may have one spade & slam appears risky" -sastry dasika, warwick, PA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (142)

"I take it as a support double" -Ian, Lugna Woods, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (143)

"Has cover in spades and 6 diamonds " -Ike, Mornington , Victoria

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (144)

"Partner has clubs and diamonds and one or no spades. I'd like to go slow and bid 4D to see if 4H is still an option, but I'm not sure it would be forcing with my partner (something we'll have to discuss!) so I'd bid a 5D game as I think we can make it...or 6D on a day when I feel the sun is shining and the wind is blowing my way." -chic, whitehorse, yt

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (145)

"p is saying they have something" -Jane, auburn, al

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (146)

"Got fit and power" -Tome, Clt, Nc

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (147)

"Got fit and power" -Tome, Clt, Nc

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (148)

"My partner's DBL I take as a support double. With my approx 20 pts, at least go to game." -Carol new Picard, St Paul, MN

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (149)

"Diamonds might be our best play. Partner knows that we have 5 hearts, but does not support them." -Paul Scott, Huntington Beach, California

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (150)

"partner is showing the minors support her." -allen, redding, ct

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (151)

"Hoping for support double " -Earl , Missoula , Montana

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (152)

"Partner should have at most 1 S. If he fits D and raises you should bid the D slam. If he has a late H raise you should chance the slam in H." -Charles, Mount Prospect, IL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (153)

"Very difficult problem. We could be on for six of either red suit or having trouble at 4 level. " -Mitch, Finksburg, Maryland

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (154)

"I'd treat partner's double as the equivalent of a limit raide" -Charles, Frisco, TX

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (155)

"stretch for game at IMPS" -Phil, Columbus, Ohio

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (156)

"Sounds like a stolen bid for both minors. With my holding, I'll bid 5 Diamonds." -Doug, Carmel, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (157)

"I believe to double north should have 13 points with minimum spades." -Fred Cope, Oakville, ON - Ontario

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (158)

"2S overcall is weak. Partner double is negative." -Tom, Sun City Ctr, Florida

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (159)

"Bid slam or invite? Assuming a Spade loser. Might need a Diamond finesse for slam, so I invite. How?What's 4N here? I go with 4S, followed by 5D after partner's 5C. If pard offers 5D instead of 5C, I'll bid 6. If he tries 5H instead of 5C, I don't know. If he corrects my 5D (after his 5C) to 5H, I don't know but will probably pass." -David, Peyton, CO

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (160)

"Don't know whether to bid 5D or 6D. Bid 4S to force partner to bid a minor. If 5D, raise to 6D. If 5C, correct to 5D." -David, SB, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (161)

"I have more than a minimum. My heart suit is not good enough for 4H. I expect partner to have a singleton spade. I like both 5D and 6D. " -Jim, Narcoossee, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (162)

"Partner has come alive and cannot have more than two spades" -Martin J Walsh, Dublin, Dublin

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (163)

"double is limit raise in hearts" -John, portland, Oregon

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (164)

"I want to play!" -bess, wilmington, nc

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (165)

"?" -Bob, Mpls, Mn

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (166)

"Partner has almost certainly shortness + strength for the 3 level. I don't want to guess at the level on my own. 5D, 6D, and even 7D are all possible (opposite the right dead minimum, like : void Qx KQTxx xxxxxx)" -Bruce, Merrick, NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (167)

"partner has spade stopper and with 18 pts and 6 trump, I would get aggressive" -Donald Katz, Indianapolis, Indiana

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (168)

"hard choice" -Barbara, phoenix, az

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (169)

"Four hearts can be bid." -Ellen Ward, Seattle, WA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (170)

"" -John , Redmond, Wa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (171)

"Cue bid the Ace and ask partner to name his suit or have him bid 4 hearts" -Harvey, Delray Beach, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (172)

"Think this should be our contract. Giving partner a choice" -jeane, wellington, fl.


"5D blocks a H-contract. Double is more flexibel: diamonds, hearts or penalty (after 4C by N, S will convert to 4D)" -Hans, Enschede, NL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (173)

"I take partner's double as support." -ron, peoria, il

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (174)

"n" -p, m, o

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (175)

"Thanks " -Judith, Ann Arbor , Mi

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (176)

"My partner's double means she has support and 10 points. My hand is short in Clubs so I hope to ruff with Clubs from my partner 's hand. Hopefully my partner has a spade stopper." -Marsha Ross, Victoria, British Columbia

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (177)

"The opponents are just making noise. Partner’s negative double indicates a maximum passed hand, and likely holds one or zero spades. It’s easy to imagine one spade loser and possibly making 6??" -Leah, Kelowna, BC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (178)

"Torn between 4 hearts and double" -Robin, Lake Worth , FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (179)

"Partner should have about 10 points and spade shortness" -Stephen, Ajijic, Mexico

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (180)

"I could double to show extra values, but given that I have nothing wasted in spades I expect this hand to play splendidly in diamonds. I expect partner to be something like 1255 and slam to be likely, given that we are playing with a 30 point deck. " -Steve, Montréal , Quebec

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (181)

"4D describes my hand and throws it back to partner." -Joan and Jim Reich, Yardley, Pennsylvania


"I have too many points to pass. Partner may bid or pass. Opponent may bid four spades and I will double again" -Marie, Gainesville, Georgia

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (182)

"Partner has 8-10 pints and the other two suits." -Karin, Cape Town

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (183)

"Too easy..." -Dan, Charlottesville, VAtoo


"Partner must reply, we might make 3NT if partner has the A of Spades" -Isabella MM Kock, Somerset West, South Africa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (184)

"north must be void or have a singleton in spades. bid 4 hearts" -helen, lake worth, floridathe

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (185)

"Game bid and possible slam interest denying clubs " -Norm, Palm Beach gardens, Fl

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (186)

"Partner is probably at least 4-4 in the minors, and I hope that 4D is a space-saving forcing bid. " -Noah, Kenosha, WI

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (187)

"P rates to be short in Spades. With a useful Diamond honor, slam is proable." -Norbert Fessel, Riverside, RI

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (188)

"Pard should have 3 card support and some values. I don't need much for a game." -Joe, Port Charlotte, Florida

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (189)

"Partner has support for both minors and 9-11 points; enough for a game try" -don, Mount Dora, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (190)

"My partners double is encouraging, showing a stopper in spades. My hand is better played in hearts." -Joseph , Boca Raton, Florida

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (191)

"nil" -Pratap, m, o

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (192)

"I think North's double meant that he had hearts but not enough points to go to third level" -Rosemary Blum, Wanaque, NJ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (193)

"very strong hearts and partner has good hamd" -madeleine, belmont, vermont

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (194)

"Go for Broke - Pard has something" -angie, Freelton

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (195)

"Tell partner that I'm thinking about slam." -Larry , Richmond, BC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (196)

"Partner has shown clubs and diamonds and the hand now rates up to at least 20 points. The only question is the control of the spade suit" -Lew, San Antonio, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (197)

"Must make a forcing bid...this looks way to slammish," -Victoria , Macomb, Mi

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (198)

"It appears North has the other 2 minors." -Dale, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (199)

"Tough" -Helen, Ottawa, ONTARIO

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (200)

"the 3sp bid relieves you of the obligation to bid, so 4 diamonds has to show a good hand. Partner could then show extra strength with a 4 spade cue bid. He could also show weakness (run of the mill take out double) by bidding 4 hearts or 5 diamonds. In either case, I would still then bid slam in any event over any bid by p." -Robert, Croton-on-Hudson, NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (201)

"Partner has doubled, you have 6 losers " -Lesley, Kingston Surrey, Uk

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (202)

"Assuming partner has both minors and 10 points......5 diamonds seems likely." -Diana, West chester, Pa

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (203)

"voluntary bid show a better hand" -santhi, chennai, tamilnadu

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (204)

"voluntary bid show a better hand" -santhi, chennai, tamilnadu

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (205)

"I think the x is support for H" -Ireta, vICTORIA, BC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (206)

"Responsive double, vant play another suit, he has singelton spade. 10 points. He has 10 clubs and diamonds." -Jan, Sponvika, Norway

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (207)

"Partner is short in spades. I give him the choice and show extra values." -Wim, Bennebroek, Netherlands

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (208)

"Defining my distribution. Partner rates to have singleton or doubleton spade(loser) Would prefer not to bid beyond 4 hearts at this turn. " -Doug, Oldham, England

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (209)

"Slam seems very possible. " -Marty, West Palm Beach, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (210)

"Pard has already invited me to bid a minor at the three level, I think free-bidding four makes the point that I have extras. Strictly speaking, I have 6 losers, although I expect pard to have no more than one spade..." -Ward, Pittsburgh, PA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (211)

"Keep it simple." -David, g

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (212)

"Who knows probably relies on one card after a spade loser. Depends how 'flash' you are." -Victor Cowen, Mijas Costa,, Malaga

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (213)

"When in doubt keep it natural. 4d. Will anyway show a bigger hand ." -Vishnu, Pandit , Maharashtra India

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (214)

"Show hand and also extra strength" -Suresh, Hyderabad, India

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (215)

"If N had support for H, he could have bid 3H, he is likely to have singleton Spade, at least 4 D . His clubs can br ruffed by S. " -ATUL GARUD, MUMBAI, MAHARASHRA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (216)

"4D leaves room for partner to go further, return to hearts, or bid NT with spade stoppers; he likely has a good hand" -Irwin, Dana Point, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (217)

"4D. Might play 5/6D but also might play in 4H. Anyway partner will know better after introducing my second suit." -Cristian, Bucharest, Romania

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (218)

"A free bid indicating a better hand, " -Inez Glanger, Mosman, New South Wales

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (219)

"I think this shows good points and 5H and 4D; 9 cards in the hand. Gives partner a choice." -Elsie, Coquitlam


"Impossible de réussir 3P" -Clem, Shefford, Qc

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (220)

"North has diamonds and is short in spades - one at most - Game looks easy, slam possible" -Mike, Paramus, NJ

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (221)

"N does not have H support, must be short in S's and has values in C and D's. Since N is a passed hand, would be a little conservative and bid 5D's" -Ravi, Bhalla, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (222)

"Partners Double (10+ and not good heart. 4D leaves partner to change to 4H, 5D or Pass." -Bipin Patel, East Brunswick, NJ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (223)

"North's Neg Double suggests 8+ HCP, we probably have enough for game if we can find a fit. North doesn't figure to have much heart support, so bidding diamonds may suggest a possible spot, also lets North know that S hand is fairly strong." -David, San Luis Obispo, CA


"I think this is the best of both worlds. P might leave it in for penalty and if not, If I'm lucky P will bid Diamonds and I will bid 5. If P bids Clubs I will correct to diamonds and let P decide if 5 is the right level." -Joel, Bloomfield Hills, MI

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (224)

"Partner has other 2 suits and 11 + points." -Bob Shanley, Tomball, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (225)

"My partner's double shows about 10 points, maybe??" -Lise, St-Lambert, Canada

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (226)

"A negative dbl by north showing heart support, bid 4 hearts" -Bob, Belleville, Ontario

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (227)

"I will correct 5C to 5D and P ought to know I have a rock-crusher." -Dave, Littleton, CO

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (228)

"Partner is likely short or void in spades. We're going to game or slam in either hearts or diamonds." -Peter, PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (229)

"Give partner chance to go to 4 hearts - they are limited in points due to not opening slam will only be on with a very distributional hand by north" -TONY TURK, Adelaide, SA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (230)

"My partner’s bid should be a negative double showing clubs and diamonds. With my points I expect a game somewhere so diamonds it is. " -Jane, Jacksonville, Fl

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (231)

"I'm taking partner's DBL to mean the other suits, so I'm showing her one of those that I have. If partner has both minors, she's likely short in spades. " -Bob, LA, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (232)

" Looks straight forward to me" -Fred H Holmes, R0wlett

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (233)

"need your help. Thanks" -Silvana C. Leonard, Sarasota, florida

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (234)

"Keep bidding" -Eric, Vashon

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (235)

"I don't like the three dead spades, but partner should be short in them, and if he has a diamond honor - we might make 5D." -Richard L, Dallas, Tx


"Partner doesn't like hearts, is short in spades, but has something. I want him to describe his hand further. " -Pujing, Ottawa, Ontario

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (236)

"IMPS...need to bid game.." -Marge, San Antonio, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (237)

"I would bid a heart and not pass!" -Lori, Orange County, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (238)

"South has many points. North says he has other 2 suits. He will either go to 5 diamonds or bid 4 spades." -Mary Ann Kaplinsky, Woodstock, Vermont

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (239)

"i don't know my partner' heart holding, but we have a diamond fit. If he has 3 hearts we can make 4 Hearts." -Lilli, Tarzana, Ca.

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (240)

"I will be in six diamonds as it is likely that my partner has a singleton spade and good cards in the minors because of his responsive double" -Jon, Cardiff by the Sea , Ca


"We have the points" -Linda Singleton, Richmond Heights, Ohio


"Asking north to bid showing 16+ points" -Joy Solomon, Bankstown, New South Wales

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (241)

"Partner might have 2 spade losers." -David, Perth, Western Australia

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (242)

"We will always be in game - it is a question of whether we can get to slam. My p will now know where at least 9 of my cards are" -Warren Muller, West Ryde, New South Wales

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (243)

"I would have preferred 3 NT" -Jean, Townsville, Queensland

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (244)

"IMP hence go to game even with 7 trumps as singleton club and 3 potential loosers in spade" -Brigitte

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (245)

"3 spade losers? Hope my pard passes." -Sandy, Wichita, Ks

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (246)

"I’m hoping diamonds will be a good fit" -Donna, The villages, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (247)

"I am assuming that the double is for support " -Sue, Cleveland , Ohio

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (248)

" double,is supp double ,partner has few hearts " -dilip[, mumbai, maharastra

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (249)

"too many spade losers to bid 5" -Lynn, Northville, MI

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (250)

"partner has at most 2 hrts,possibly 1-2 spades so Diamonds (5) seem to be the best contract" -Mike, hom*osassa, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (251)

"not sure what the double means" -Bev, Oakville

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (252)

"Looks like a negative Dbl. I'd bid at least game in diamonds and regret being chicken, not bidding 6." -Alan, HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (253)

"If partner has support for hearts, he will bid 4 hearts." -Dinesh Undevia, Hinsdale, Illinois

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (254)

"Great hand" -Lynne Westlund, Salmon Arm, British Columbia


"Tough one!" -Dawn, Long Beach, Ca

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (255)

"He has at most 1 !s and points to bid = slam interest .... by me" -Lionel, Montréal, Québec

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (256)

"Good question. " -Tom, Crews, Ga

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (257)

"game but no slam" -John Jackson Jr, Hattiesburg, MS

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (258)

"If partner has one spade, 6 diamonds should be a good contract." -milton, Del Mar, caIf partner

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (259)

"Partner says he has 3 heart support with Support Dbl. bid. West is weak and East had previously passed." -Phyllis, Kingwood, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (260)

"The 4 D is forcing" -et, city

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (261)

"If North has clubs rather than diamonds we will have to try hearts but slam in diamonds is a hope" -Del, DartmouthNS , NS Canada

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (262)

"Diamonds or Double with no one vulnerable." -Helen, Tequesta, Florida

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (263)

"North has heart support, so I'm going to game" -Richard, Pinecrest, FL

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (264)

"Don’t really understand partners double after 2 Spades of opposition. Negative double ? Or stoppers in spades ??" -Jeanne, Sydney Australu, New South Wales

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (265)

"I’m thinking North’s double shows 3 trump support but doesn’t have enough points to go to the 3 level " -Pauline, Gold Coast, Qld

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (266)

"Partner has either both minors or one only plus some heart support. 4D promises extras and other bids could push us too high and/or in the wrong suit " -Stuart , Manchester , England

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (267)

"All partner needs is a doubleton spade and King of clubs and diamonds - surely he has that after forcing bidding to 3 level!" -Fred, Calgary, Alberta

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (268)

"I think South have 8 to 10 points rather be in hearts than diamonds" -Viviene, Parrearra, Qld


"Bid your suit .. partner" -John , Columbus , oh

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (269)

"4D almost Forcing " -takashi obara, mizunami, Japan

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (270)

"I would liketo bid4h but only have 5 cxards" -Wendy, Cootamundra, 2590

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (271)

"North doesn't have an opening hand but his Dbl shows Hearts and one of the Minors, and at least 6-9 points. He should have at least two Hearts." -Wayne, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (272)

"If partner has K or Q of diamonds and singleton spade as anticipated, there may a play for 6H" -Rich, pound ridge, NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (273)

"Responsive double?" -Verona, Tiburon , Ca

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (274)

"A guess" -Barbara, Memphis, Tennessee

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (275)

"North;s double indicates either void or stopper in spades with sufficient points to either make game or force opponents to make less than ame" -wilder baker, darien, CT

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (276)

"North is at least 4/4 in the minors but might have heart support. " -Al, Centerport, NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (277)

"Hope partner has a stiff spade" -Paul Page, Cary, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (278)

"Strong hand " -Cynthia, Amelia island , Fl

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (279)

"Partner should have clubs and diamonds and 10 HCP for his double. Tell him your preference." -ED, SAVANNAH, GA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (280)

"North doesn't like my hearts. Probably has C and D and wants to compete." -Robert Lightburn, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (281)

"P has no more than one spade. P has 0-2 h, thus 10 cards in minors and at least 9 dummy points. No room for points in h or spades..." -Jerry, Rochester, New York

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (282)

"probably enough points for game" -Barbara, Little Compton, RI

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (283)

"Why is Pass not an option? That's what I would do." -Jerry, Leesburg, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (284)

"Partner will be short in spades, have values in the minors, so we must have a diamond fit." -Terry, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (285)

"Partner is showing the minors and some HCP. " -Mike, Seymour, Tennessee

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (286)

"We won't suffer more than two spade losers and hearts are a self-sustaining suit." -Jim , Northampton, MA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (287)

"Pard likely to have at most 2 spades...go for game at imps." -Curtis, Evergreen , CO

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (288)

"6D. Hard to imagine what partner could have that justifies his double but doesn't give us a good play for slam." -Rex, Mesa, Arizona

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (289)

"Bid what I have. " -Richard , Mamaroneck , NY

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (290)

"You have 10 hearts between the two and at least 30 HCP.with the other A a slam" -Barbara, Pascoe, Maryland

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (291)

"Give a choice." -Francie, Reno, NV

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (292)

"I'll gamble with 6D. Sounds like Pard has only one spade. Hope to avoid a H loser " -miller, Kennesaw, Georgia

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (293)

"Partner should have good diamonds, less than 2 spades and 10 or more points." -robert s renzi, lancaster, Pennsylvania

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (294)

"is this the right bid, Why not?" -ruby, East Point, Ga

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (295)

"is this the right bid, Why not" -ruby, East Point, Ga

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (296)

"Partner has 10-12 pts so you have enough for game. Show him your diamonds and let him choose between 4H or 5D" -Michael, E Falmouth, MA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (297)

"Strong hand, Maybe my passed partner strechted a little" -Albert, Njjmegen, Netherlands

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (298)

"Show p 5,4 distribution." -Sutish, St.lambert, QC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (299)

"possible slam?" -Paul, sebastopol, ca


"With 6d being cold facing S-8, H-Q7, D-KQ872, C-J8752 and 7 being nearly so facing S-, H-75, D-KQ872, C-KJ9532 the only question is how to explore for it. 4Spades is excellent if partner understands you are simply showing a big hand as opposed to the A, but the fear of misinterpretation is too high for me. Rebidding hearts promises a 6th heart and implies weakness, while bidding any number of either minor suit simply sets trumps without implying extras. That leaves Dbl with the intention of correcting club bids by partner to diamonds. Be happy that your minor suits are not reversed! Partner should get the message and cue bid spades with first round control. If he rebids clubs suggesting wasted values there you can sign off in 5 Diamonds, the max if partner holds S-8, H-73, D-Q8762, C-KQ985. He can hardly hold much less." -Jules, Surrey, BC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (300)

"Partner's got to be short in spades (singleton or void) with good minors. I'll go for the diamond game." -Phil, San Bernardino, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (301)

"Partner will be short in spades and COULD have good diamonds; if so, try 6H" -Bill, Cary, NC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (302)

"Way too strong for 4D/H, while 4S is unclear for partner and doesn’t help us in deciding on the right contract." -Hans, Rotterdam, Netherlands

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (303)

"Slam try?" -Paul, Rio Rancho, NM

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (304)

"partner has enough for game" -Jack, Ocean Isle Beach, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (305)

"Slam likely. Partner has 1 or 0 spades, has 10 plus points. If cue bid 4S or X he is most likely to bid 5C and then what? If 5D miss a slam. " -David Vivian, Brighton, Victoria

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (306)

"Showing my second suit" -Philip, Yardley, Pennsylvania

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (307)

"4 1/2 diamonds seems about right. Partner must have a decent hand (with both minors) to make a negative double that pushes us to the 3-level. So I would try 5D." -thomas, charlotte, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (308)

"Seems like 4D is forcing but is it? We belong in at least game I think, but just where is unknown." -Ken, MD

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (309)

"Cheapest way to stay in the fray and show another suit." -Mark, Vancouver, WA


"Assuming partner has a singleton spade, slam in either red suit is certainly a possibility. A double seems flexible... partner is not going to leave it in at IMPs and I can get a better idea of pard's minor holdings. 4D possible, but would hate to hear partner pass it since I know we need to be in game but partner isn't in on that secret yet. Cuebid could also work and it takes up a lot of room when I don't know where I want to go yet." -Kevin, Monmouth, Oregon

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (310)

"Assuming partner's double is a support double, further assuming partner has a singleton spades, I want to explore the slam possibilities and bid 4 diamonds" -Rob, Evansville, IN

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (311)

"His double and the play so far suggest that he is strongest in diamonds or clubs." -Dick, Ann Arbor , MI

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (312)

"South has a decent 4 card diamond suit that I would mention - then leave it up to north." -Marilyn, Omaha, NE

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (313)

"Partner should have around 10 points so it would be nice to be in game in 5D" -Deborah, Mechanicsburg, PA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (314)

"I hope partner thinks this is forcing!" -Bud, Cary, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (315)

"Partner will read your distribution and go on with suitable hand. If you don't trust your partner, bid 5D or shoot with 6D.Sincerely,Wishy-Washy" -Dick, Eugene, OR

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (316)

"Partner's negative double shows diamonds and clubs - probably a singleton or void in spades given the bidding. Make sure to get to game by bidding it." -Richard, Tucson, AZ


" Not sure game is there. So figure plus 300 or 500 if p had diamond king" -Mike, West Palm, Fl

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (317)

"5D is a big bid for a BIG hand........." -William, Raleigh, NC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (318)

"trying for a slam in hearts" -ajay, BATON ROUGE, Louisiana

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (319)

"pard rates to have an 11 hcp hand with at least 5-5 in the minors, and shortness in spades. With about 20 playing points, I will bid 5D." -Mike, Ventura, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (320)

"You’re not vulnerable. Go for it." -Marcia, West palm beach, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (321)

"I take North’s double to mean he has some points and at least 4 diamonds and 4 clubs. Since east bid 3 spades I take North to have just one spade and no more than 2 hearts so South probably has 5 clubs and 5 diamonds. " -Carolyn, Ny, Ny

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (322)

"not enough to x but p should be short in spades and have points for good shot at making game" -alan, east brunswick, New Jersey

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (323)

"Hard to tell if we're beating it enough. " -Greg, Jefferson City, MO

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (324)

"Negative double suggesting clubs and diamonds. No need to move too fast an pass up examining slam." -Lloyd, Rancho Mirage, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (325)



"Was partner's double Negative? I certainly believe we can defeat 3 spades, but that won't make up for a missed game. I need to hear something positive from partner in order to find that game, I think doubling will give him the chance to make a positive response or choose to defend." -Saul, Folsom, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (326)

"Partner short on spades" -John, Northbrook, Il

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (327)

"Preempts work. I'm bidding 6D. Partner can correct. I need very little for slam opposite his stiff spade." -Ribs, Coppell, TX

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (328)

"first pref id x but in retrospect all partners cards should be working in a 5 or 6 diam contract" -joseph mahotka, delray beach, Fl

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (329)

"Might just pass" -Howard , Orange , Ct

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (330)

"I'd actually prefer a control bid in clubs." -Betty, Bainbridge Island, WA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (331)

"Slam possible" -Michael, San Antonio, TX

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (332)

"What the hand is worth" -Marc, Lake Forest, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (333)

"Let partner decide where we belong" -Howard, Laguna Woods, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (334)

"Might be an underbid but don't want to pass up chance for partner to correct to 4H" -clare, oak harbor, washington

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (335)

"I will convert 5C to 5D and think that partner would play me for something like this. I don't think 4D is forcing and if 6D is a good contract I would expect to get there with this auction. Partner doesn't always have the singleton spade that they should have." -Bob, The Villages, FL

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (336)

"Partner has 8hcp - 10 hcp which is as much as I expect from a passed hand. I am an ACE better than I can be. Parteber can ruff the spades." -Bill Cubley, Bluffton, SC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (337)

"2 Spade 4D." -Shrikant, Pune, Maharashtea

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (338)

"Partner probably has only 1 spade and 2 hearts- therefore likely 5 diamonds.." -bruce, sarasota, Florida

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (339)

"What else? Partner passed orig and you have extras. Game not slam." -Betsy Prouty, SLC, Ut

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (340)

"Partner doubles telling 10+HCP and No-Fit in Hearts. Thinking 10+17HCP, what are opps doing at the 3 Level? Assume distributional hand, and partner has 0-1-or-2 hearts. With Opps at 3 Level, I am thinking Partner is at 5-5 or 5-4 in the minors and will show my preference, . . . , enthusiastically I might add, and Bid 6D." -Kurt, Tulsa, OK

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (341)


5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (342)

"need only decent diamond support and qH for slam. " -Frank LaCava, Dallas, Texas

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (343)

"Partner should have a singleton spade. The question is really whether to bid 5D or 6D." -Ed, Lake Pleasant, New York

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (344)

"A close choice between this and double. I have to trust that partner has most of his values in the minors, a doubleton heart at most, and likely a singleton spade. I think that +400 or +420 will be better than trying to set 3S by 4 tricks doubled." -Michael, Georgetown, Ontario

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (345)

"Partner has 3 hearts and at most 1 spade. With a good minor, we have a decent play for slam." -Dennis, Marietta, GA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (346)

"You can’t go higher with 3 Spade losers and you need to show your 2nd suit. " -Judith Glasco, Houston, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (347)

"You can’t go higher with 3 Spade losers and you need to show your 2nd suit. " -Judith Glasco, Houston, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (348)

"Allow partner to either bid hearts (honor with 2?) or diamonds. Either way slam should be a possibiility " -Kelly, St. Louis, Missouri

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (349)

"partner has two unbid suits and enough points to bid over the 2S overcall. For us to reach game in a minor, partner needs to be at the top end of potential point range, so I'm inviting rather than going to game directly. " -Kate, Somerville, MA


"Strong...." -Vanni, Rome, Italy

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (350)

"It can be everything." -Joost, Nieuwegein, Netherlands

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (351)

"Only way to go" -Margie , Chatham, NJ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (352)

"not sure what N's bid means, soI punt." -Edwin Kilburn, Scottsdale, Arizona

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (353)

"Partner must have some tickets for her Negative Double to the 4-level." -Cherie, Beech Mountain, North Carolina

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (354)

"A diamond slam is almost surely on. Over 5C I will bid 5D" -Lou, Indio, Ca

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (355)

"Best leave it to my partner to pick a game -- in diamonds or remotely, in hearts. Or go to slam if their strength is greater than it appears. " -Marilyn Pultz, FORT COLLINS, CO

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (356)

"Showing strength in other suit." -Damaris, Toronto, Ont

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (357)

"This gives N the ption of playing diamonds or hearts, rules out clubs" -Brian Kuffner, Trail, Bc

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (358)

"Enough for game" -Joseph , Nutley, NJ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (359)

"Shall help partner with the distrbution and hcp range to take further step." -Gautam Mukhopadhyay, Kolkata, India

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (360)

"isn't there a way to ask f or kings bypassing ACEs, north seems to have void in spades so slam depends on minor suit kings?if south starts a control bidding sequence would not 5 clubs be next bid? Does doulbe mean support for hearts, void or singleton spades and about 8-10/11 pts. or somethng else?" -MyraMae, New York, NY


"If partner has 8+ with the king of diamonds and one trump we may beat them as much as 4. Game our way looks sketchy." -Paul, Hampton, VA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (361)

"I have a strong opening hand, partner doubles (negative), showing the minors, and is comfortable with my bidding to the 3-level, assuming I'm a minimum opener, which suggests that partner has an invitational hand. West's 2S is probably weak (would need to confirm), so N-S probably have most of the points. I think 5D is reasonable. If North has a void in spades and the missing diamond honors, should raise to 6D." -Bill, Sunnyvale, CA


"Circ*mstances don't let me go to 4 (p may have no hearts), so give him a chance to respond." -Dan'l, Alameda, CA


"TAKE THE EASY SET FOR A PROBABLE 500 AS NOT SURE CAN MAKE 4H. " -Michael Jenks, Williamsburg, VA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (362)

"It MIGHT make 6 Diamonds, but we're missing half the points in the deck. Partner rates to have no more than 2 spades and help in diamonds, so 4 hearts pays more than 5 diamonds and should be nearly as easy to make." -Leigh, Springfield, OR

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (363)

"Underbid maybe but I don't want to get beyond 4h." -Bruce, Vancouver, BC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (364)

"After a passed hand seems N has minor suits. Probably short in spades. I will try for game in diamonds. " -Joe , Canyon Country, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (365)

"Teach me!" -Riekie Louw, Hermanus, Western Cape South Africa

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (366)

"5diamonds to show medium to strong hand." -Doreen, Toronto, ON


"I want to see what part has. If he bidd clubs I’ Correct to d" -Isabel, Guaynabo , Pr

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (367)

"Partner has support and better than minimum for his bid, I have shape and points." -Bud, San Luis Obispo, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (368)

"I would bid 4D without the AC." -Chuck


"Shifting responsibility for a bad.result to where it belongs, partner" -John, Toronto

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (369)

"according to total tricks we may go down 1 or 2 better than they make 3s" -naim zivli, tel aviv, israel


"My partner is showing the minors. We should et a big number with other suits covered " -Ron, Stouffville , Ontario

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (370)

"Go for it at IMPs; 4D at matchpoints." -Ron, Gainesville, FL


"Hope partner leaves it in or I'll correct to 4D." -ken, Oceanside, NY

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (371)

"5 diamonds" -Allen, New York, NY

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (372)

"Partner has a min of 10 points, we're not vul, should be game but not sure if we have 6" -carol, boston, ma

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (373)

"Support double from partner implies 8+ points and probably a singleton spade given the spade support bid by RHO. Reason for game sign off is the probable duplication of value in club suit." -Elizabeth, Niagara Falls, Ontario

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (374)

"We only need good diamonds and a singleton spade " -Rainer, Herrmann, Germany

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (375)

"Another choice could have been 5D" -Estelle Kosoy, Toronto, Canada

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (376)

"Various ways this hand I suspect could have ben bid, as if S has a singleton spade he would/SHOULD have bid 3S with heart support and a couple of kings/8-10hcp, so the likelihood he has the minors." -Bob, Luton, UK


"Partner has points but where? Forget 6 Diamonds as 5 may be a stretch. I Double and Hope partner will bid 4 Hearts. If not, we have to pray we can beat 3 Spades by two or we are “Fixed”. " -Robert, Ajijic, Jalisco


"Game is sure, and slam is possible. Not sure 4D would be forcing, but a double certainly is. Hopefully partner can better describe his hand now, maybe a 4S cue bid which would get us to 6D." -Keith Hafen, Gainesville, VA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (377)

"Partner has what looks like a singleton spade and a doubleton heart. Depending on the quality of his diamonds, slam is a possibility. I play Minorwood with partner, so 4D would be a safe and forcing bid, but playing with anyone else, I would settle for 5D." -Elizabeth, Manhattan, KS

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (378)

"Partner showed values and a diamond rebid shows my 5:4 shape and at least a K extra in points" -Lenny, Jericho, New Yor

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (379)

"Cue bid" -Jane, BC

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (380)

"The answer: "5 (and/or !) 6" diamonds" is easy. If pressed, I would actually bid six, figuring partner is odds on to have the diamond king and no more than one spade, and that there's no way to explore this hand scientifically." -Steve, Larkspur, CA

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (381)

"Counting on Partner to be short in spades, looks like we have a good fit in diamonds." -Donna, Alamo, TX

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (382)

"Negative double. Jump with this hand" -Jack, Graham, Kansas


"Partner has shown 8+ cards in the minors. With a S stopper, you should be in NT. Without, they will bid their best minor." -Gary , Hamtramck, Michigan

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (383)

"thanks for having the information" -maree, north, va

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (384)

"West's overcall looks like a preempt to me, and East is likely promising 3 spades, so North likely has only 1; so we have one loser in Spades and likely another in Hearts or Diamonds. I'll bid 5 Diamonds and let partner go higher if he has extra." -Peter, OAKVILLE, ON

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (385)

"I'm chicken" -Dick, Prescott Valley, AZ

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (386)

"If my partner has the 7-17 needed for a negative double over a preempt and any strength in Diamonds with shortness in spades, we should at least have a try for a game in hearts. " -John, Kingston, Ontario

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (387)

"My partner should have 10+ points with at least 4/4 in the minors and at most a singleton Spade. I jump to 5D to show a fit and a strong hand." -Lew, Edison, NJ

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (388)

"Game. Slam is possible" -Jon, Irvine, Ca

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (389)

"We have game or slam in diamonds" -Nancy, Boynton Beach , Fl

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (390)

"4S gets across the hand's potential but partner might expect a control. 6D almost certainly has a play but maybe partner has stretched a little, so 5D. If partner has the decent hand I would expect, he/she can go to 6 with spades controlled. And conceivably, partner has better clubs with okay diamonds, so 5D allows for that. " -Richard , Calgary , AB

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (391)

"I will pass P response" -Marsha, Stoufville, On

5Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (392)

"I am afraid he might pass 4D. I think we have a good shot at slam. If 4D was forcing then I would bid 4D" -P Todd Makler Jr, Los Altos, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (393)

"Solid potential for slam" -steve, nashville, TN

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (394)

"Gives partner choice of diamonds or hearts" -Martha Pichard, Trabuco Canyon, CA

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (395)

"I can tell that my partner has at the most two spades. I hate going past 3nt but we might have a slam. I know that my partner does not have 3 hearts because he would not have doubled. He would have shown support with three " -Theodore Perkoski, Riviera Beach, Florida

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (396)

"I will double 4S if bid. If 4H is doubled, I will bid 5D" -Jim, MIDDLETOWN, MD

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (397)

"The 2 and 3 spade bids suggest a nine or ten card fit east-west, leaving partner with a singleton or void. Although 4 spades suggests a tolerance for clubs (and a kind of "you pick" to partner), I can follow his 4 clubs with 4 diamonds and we can proceed from there. Presumably 4 spades is forcing to game, at least, and with my playing strength, slam is likely." -Al, Terrace, BC

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (398)

"You have good points but partner is a passed hand and you have a bad spade holding" -Chris, Sarasota, Fl

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (399)

"Your hearts can stand alone and p can still bid on. " -David, Torrance , Ca

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (400)

"Pardner is short in S and is no excited about my hearts. She may only have 6 hcp. She is the captain so I will give my 4 card diamond suit a bid." -Janet, Missoula, MT


"Negative double - Let me know which minor suit is your best and I will decide" -LYB, Wiarton, Ont

4Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (401)

"Partner is void in spades, a bit of info garnered because of opposition bidding." -Henry, Herriman, Utah


"Search more" -Habiba Sabjaali Hirji, Toronto, ON


"They can only have 13 points" -Tom, Hester, ca

Special thanks to Australian Bridge Magazine for allowing us to reprint their problems and
Larry's answers. If you are interested in subscribing to Australian Bridge just go to:

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    Bridge with Larry Cohen - Thankyou Bidding (2024)


    What is the best opening bid in bridge? ›

    Always choose a 1H or 1S opening if you have 5 or more cards in the major suit. If you cannot open 1H or 1S, choose your longer minor, even though you may hold only 3 cards (and/or no honors) in the suit. If you have two 3-card minors, open 1C to keep the bidding low.

    What do you bid with 20 points in bridge? ›

    With 20 points precisely, open with a bid of 1-suit, and then jump rebid to 3NT, as if you have 19 points. if you have them. Also, beware jump rebid to 2NT with 17-18 points as convention dictates - you can end up in trouble.

    What is the rule of 17 in bridge bidding? ›

    The “Rule of 17” says, “When Partner opens the bidding by bidding a 'weak-2' preemptive 2-level bid, if the bid is in a Major, you as Responder can decide whether to bid Game by adding together (1) the number of Trump cards you hold, plus (2) the number of HCPs you hold.

    What does a 3 diamond bid mean in bridge? ›

    An opening Three-Bid, called a preempt, shows a weak hand can take five or more tricks if your suit is trumps, but is unlikely to take any tricks in any other suits. To open (or overcall) a Three-Bid, you should have: A good, long suit (6 or 7 cards, with at least two honors). No ace or king in any other suit.

    What is a strong 2 bid in bridge? ›

    In Standard American bidding, Charles Goren advocated that a strong two-bid should indicate a five-card suit with 25 high card points (HCP), a six-card suit with 23 HCP, or a seven-card suit with 21 HCP and is forcing to game.

    What is a weak opening bid in bridge? ›

    Weak Two Opening bids are a preemptive bid. Weak Two bids tell your partner that you have at least a 6-card suit and 6-10 HCP with two or more high-cards in the bid suit. Generally bidding Weak Twos does not exclude a 4 card side-suit holding in another suit.

    How many points to open two clubs in bridge? ›

    The 2♣ opening shows strength: a hand worth at least 22 points. The minimum point count should be 20 high card points with a long biddable suit.

    What is the rule of 29 in bridge? ›

    Again, 16 HCP plus the number of cards in the 2 longest suits – 13 – also satisfies the 'rule of 29'. The Rule of 29 - Remember that if the number of high card points added to the number of cards in the two longest suits adds up to 29 then the hand qualifies for a Game Force opening bid.

    What to open with 19 points in bridge? ›

    Note that there is a gap between the point ranges for 1NT and 2NT. With 18 or 19 HCP and a balanced hand, you should open in a suit (usually a minor) and then jump to 2NT on your next bid.

    What is Mel's rule of 17 in bridge? ›

    Mel's Rule of 17 - Responding to Preempts

    When your partner opens with a weak two bid, try for game only if you have 17 “Mel Points. If the number of high card points in your hand plus the number of cards you hold in partner's suit equal 17, try for game.

    What is the best discard system in bridge? ›

    Lavinthal discards are one of the most widespread and easiest to use methods. In Europe they are often referred to as suit preference discards. The discard of a low card in one suit suggests interest in the lower of the other suits. Similarly a high card suggests interest in the higher of the other suits.

    Can you ask what a bid means in bridge? ›

    Bridge is a game where we are entitled to know everything the opponents know. If your opponent makes a bid that might be weak or strong and they don't alert (or even if they do) you can ask what it means when it's your turn to bid. Don't be embarrassed for not knowing something.

    Is 1 club a demand bid in bridge? ›

    It was their first time playing together and it seems they didn't have their partnership agreements sorted out. This is the reason why some players consider 1♣ to be a demand bid and forcing for one round, regardless of how many points the responder has.

    What is the best bid in bridge? ›

    From strongest to weakest, the suits for bids are No-Trump, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. Therefore, if the player before you has bid 1-Heart, then you would have to bid 1-Spade or higher.

    What is a better minor opening in bridge? ›

    A better minor system is a bidding system with 5-card majors, in which the longest of minor suit is opened without a 5-card major. Therefore, a 1♦ opening in the system only guarantees 3 (4=4=3=2). With 3-3 in the minors, 1♣ is opened. With 4-4 in the minors, agreements vary.

    What is the best starting bid price? ›

    Determine the fair market value

    Set the starting price below fair market value to show your guests the potential for a great deal. Setting the starting bid around 40% of the fair market value or $5—whichever is greater—gives your bidders the chance to win the item well below market value.

    What are the best opening leads in bridge? ›

    General Principles for Opening Leads
    • lead low from three rags with a single honor (Q or J )
    • lead the middle from three small cards; (known as MUD playing cards in order of middle – up – down)
    • lead the suit that is strong for the next player towards weakness in the last person to play.

    What is the rule of 14 in bridge bidding? ›

    The Rule of 14 is used by Responder. We count our high card points and add the number of cards in our longest suit. If the total is 14 or more, we're strong enough to respond at the 2 level. If not, we should bid 1NT.

    What is the better minor opening in bridge? ›

    Better Minor simply says that you open whichever of your minor suits is better. Since they both have the same length, whichever has more HCP in it is opened (or better spots if HCP are the same).

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    Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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