The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)

Th Index-Journal, Greenwood, 8.C., Juno 18, 1993 23 guicker test approved for chlamydia ti set) the sent by property now or formerly I ef Esther T. iBank on the south by Common Area Ne. I smd oa the wMt by North Street. Reference hi Bad to the sioreeaad plat tor courses, distances, metes, end bonds, ALSO: A one-third undivided an tenet hi Common Area 1, Common Aran and all property located to the north of Common Aran 1 and all property located to the south of Common Area 1 This is the identical property conveyed to Thomas H. Browne and Sherrill 8.

Browne by United Savings Bank, lot, by deed dated As gust list, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Greenwood County ha Deed Book 162, at page 172. No personal or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the day or sale, but compliance with the bids may be made immediately. PURCHASER TO PAY FOR PREPARATION OF DEED AND STAMPS. sPat Damgh Clerk of Court day of said month, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the following described Kmtsee, to wit: ALL that certain piece, panel, or unit of land, together with improvement thereon, situate, lying, and being in the CKjr of Greenwood, County of Greenwood, State of South Carolina, being aaore particularly shown and designated as 404 North Street oa plat entitled Sherflyn Townhouses by Eugene M. Adams, RXS, dated January 20, 1988, recorded In Plat Book 60, at Page 95, In the Office of the derm of Court for Greenwood County, which is incorporated herein by reference and made part and parcel hereof.

According to said plat of survey, the within property contains 0.072 acres and fronts for a distance of 39JO feet, more or less, along North Street, and extends back therefrom along the parcel designated as 406 North Street for a distance of 79.98 feet, more or less, for its northern boundary, and extends back along Common Area No. 2 for a distance of 79.98 feet, more less, and measures for a distance of 19.12 feet, more or less, to the rear along property now or formerly of Esther T. WUlard, and is bounded as follows: on the north by the parcel designated as 406 North the Office of the Clerk of Court for Greenwood County, South Carolina, on October 14, 1977, in Real Estate Mortgage Book 299, at Page 540. The real estate which is secured by said morigngr and which is the subject of this action, is described aa follows, to-wik All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with improvements thereon, situate, lying and being known and designated as Lot No. One Hundred Twenty Five (126) on a plat of The Willows' by J.

Hearst Coleman dated December 29, 1966, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the mutual front corner of Lots 124 and 125 on Greenbriar Drive; thence turning and running 71 degrees 25' for a distance of 175 feet along the line of Lot 124 to a point, said point being the mutual rear corner of Lots 114, 115, 124, and 125; thence turning and running 12 degrees 29' for a distance of 88.52 feet along the line of Lot 114 to a point, said point being the mutual rear corner of Lots 125 and 126; thence turning and running 78 degrees 11' for a distance of 179.45 feet along the line of Lot 126 to a point, said point being the mutual front corner of Lots 125 ana 126 on Greenbriar Drive; thence turning and running along the edge of Greenbriar Drive for a distance of 110 feet to the point of BEGINNING For a more fully and particular description reference is hereby specifically made to the aforementioned plat recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Greenwood County in Plat Book 15 at page 181. This is the identical property conveyed to Waller E. Blackatock and Thelma E. Blackatock by deed from Samuel A Smith and Karen C. Smith dated August 31, 1977, recorded September 1, 1977, in Deed Book 260, page 967.

For further information concerning the foreclosure sub iudice, reference may be had to the records of the Clerk of Court for the U. S. District Court, at Greenville, South Carolina. JOHN S. SIMMONS United States Attorney By: aUAMES D.

McCOY, III Assistant U. S. Attorney Greenville, South Carolina January 19, 1993 NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Greenwood Pursuant to the decree of the Ciurt of Common Pleas for Greenwood County, South Carolina, in the ease of United Savings Bank, FSB, Plaintiff; vs. Thomas H. Browne, Sherrill S.

Browne, Commercial Credit Corporation, United States of America, and South Carolina Tax Commis. sion, Defendant, I wfll sell to the highest bidder for cash, requiring a deposit of of bid before the Courthouse door in Greenwood, South Carolina, oa Salesday in July, 1993, being the 6th CLASSIFIED CRAFTS A Feature of This Newspaper cation of this Order once a week for six consecutive weeks in the INDEX-JOURNAL, a newspaper published in this District and having a general circulation in the county when the mortgaged property is situated. It is FURTHER ORDERED: That John Doe and Mary Roe, adults, and Richard Roe and Jane Doe, infants, representing a daas of unknown heirs at law and devisees appear or plead to the Complaint on Ale in this action within twenty days from the last date of such publication. That a certified copy of this Order, Summons and Complaint shall he served upon the absent defendants personally if practicable, wherever found, if a correct address therefor becomes known to plaintiffs attorney before a final decree of foreclosure is entered in this case; and that a copy of this Order shall be served upon the person or persons in possession or. charge of this property, if any; and Upon failure of the said absent defendants to appear or plead to the Complaint within the time allowed, the Court will proceed to a hearing and adjudication of this cause the same manner as if personal service had been effected, subject to the provision of 28 U.8.C.

1666. It is FURTHER ORDERED that F. Marion Hughes, Esq. be and he is hereby designated Guardian ad Litem Nisi for all unknown heirs and devisees of the named defendants in this action who may be infants, imprisoned, mentally incompetent or under a legal disability unless said defendants shall procure the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem on or before the twentieth day after the last publication for such person or persons. ROSS ANDERSON, JR.

UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Anderson, South Carolina March 30, 1993 ON MOTION OF: JOHN S. SIMMONS United States Attorney By: a'James D. McCoy, III Assistant U. S. Attorney I accept the foregoing appointment.

sT. MARION HUGHES ESQ. P.O. Boi 87 Greenville, S.C. 29602 US PENDENS CA No.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foregoing action has been commenced, and is now pending in the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, between the parties above-named, for the foreclosure of a mortgage of real estates eiecuted by WALTER E. BLACKSTOCK AND THELMA E. BLACKSTOCK, (BOTH NOW DECEASED), in favor of the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, and its assigns, the same being dated and filed for record in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Greenwood County, South Carolina, on August 31, 1977 in the Real Estate Mortgage Book 298, at Page 645; and the foreclosure of a mortgage of real estate executed by WALTER E. BLACKSTOCK AND THELMA E. BLACKSTOCK, (BOTH NOW DECEASED), in favor of the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration, United States department of Agriculture, and its assigns, the same being dated October 14, 1977, and filed for record in EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estnta advertising In thin newspaper la subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes It illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisem*nt for real estate which is In violation of the law.

Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Wasington, DC area please call HUD at 426-3500. WASHINGTON (AP) A quicker, more accurate test was approved Tuesday for chlamydia, the sexually transmitted disease that afflicts four million Americans and can lead to sterility and infertility. The new test, made by Roche Molecular Systems can detect the disease through a male urine specimen or with a swab sample of the cervix or urethra.

The Food and Drug Administration, which approved the test, said it is more accurate than the conventional culture method of testing for chlamydia, which can trigger painful inflammations and cause serious complications. Men are the primary carriers of the infection, but often show no symptoms. "Detecting and treating chlamydia promptly can have an enormous effect on preventing future reproductive problems in young women," FDA Commissioner David A. Kessler said in a statement. He expressed the hope that more men will be tested now that the disease can be pinpointed through a urine sample rather than swab samples from the urethra a painful process.

The new test can also be completed in four hours, compared to three to seven days by the conventional cell culture method. Roche, of Branchburg, will market the test as the Amplicor Chlamydia Trachomatis Test The testing will have to be done by trained technicians at medical laboratories. Chlamydia genital tract infections are common in sexually active teens and young adults, the FDA said. If left untreated, they can cause sterility, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy, as well as respiratory and eye infections in babies of infected mothers. The FDA based its approval on clinical studies of 2,689 patients at five medical centers who were checked by both the new test and the cell culture method.

On men, the tests used urine and urethral swab specimens; on women, specimens from inside the cervix. Our Language By Jeffrey McQuain ACCRUE gathers or accumulates over time: He needs to accrue some sick leave." You'll rue the mistake if you don't spell the end of ACCRUE like RUE. OUR LANGUAGE AD-VICE: The final Ad-Vice Award is reserved for the broadcasters who covered the "eelek-TOR-ul" voting. Note that its name is usually capitalized, but the adjective should be lowercased in "electoral votes." On male urine, the new test detected 95 percent of infections compared with 68 percent by the culture method. On urethral specimens, the new test found 91 percent versus 83 percent by culture.

On cervical specimens, it found 94 percent versus 86 percent by culture. However, the new test also missed some cases of chlamydia that were detected by the conventional method. 700 Legal IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENWOOD DIVISION CA No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Blackatock, Eleanor Bam, Heira-at-Law of WALTER E.

BLACKSTOCK AND THELMA E. BLACKSTOCK; and JOHN DOE and MARY ROE, adulta, and RICHARD ROE and JANE DOE, infanta, persons under disability, or incompetents, if any (fictitious names designating the unknown heirs, devisees, distributees, issue, executors, administrators, successors or assigns of WALTER E. BLACKSTOCK and THELMA E. BLACKSTOCK, Deceased), and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the plaintiffs Complaint, and Self Memorial Hospital, Defendants. SUMMONS CA No.

893-2424 To the Defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon the plaintiffs attorney, James D. McCoy HI, Assistant II. S. Attorney, P. 0.

Boi 10067, Greenville, South Carolina, an answer to the complaint which is herewith served upon you, within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. To infanta over fourteen years of age: You are hereby summonsed and required to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem to represent you in this action within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, and if you fail, application for such appointment will be made by the plaintiff herein. To infants under fourteen years of age and to the person with whom the said infant defendants reside: You are hereby notified to apply for appointment of a guardian ad litem to represent said infant defendants under fourteen years of age within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, and if you fail, application will be made by the plaintiff nerein for such appointment NOTICE CA No. W3-2424 To the defendants above-named: You are hereby notified that the Lis Pendens, Summons and Complaint were filed February 6, 193, and the Order for Publication and Appointment of a Guardian ad Litem Nisi was filed on April 13, 1993.

NOTICE NISI CA No. fc8J-242-l Notice Is hereby given that F. Marion Hughes, Esq, whose address is P.O. Boi 7, Greenville, B.C. 29602, has been appointed Guardian ad Litem Nisi in the above action by Order dated April 13, 199J and that such Order will become absolute twenty one days after the last publication of the Order herein unices such of the defendants ns may be infants, incompetents, or otherwise under any disability or someone in their behalf ah all at any time procure someone to be appointed guardian ad litem for them, and that such Order at on file the Office of the United States District Clerk, Greenville, South Carolina.

MARGARET B. SEYMOUR United States Attorney By: 'James D. McCoy III Assistant V. 8. Attorney Greenville, 8.

C. May (, 1991 ORDER CA No. fcM-2424 Upon petition of plaintiff for an Order of Publication and for the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem Nisi, is ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that John Doe and Mary Roe, adults, and Richard Roe and Jane Doe, infanta, persons under disability, or incompetents, if any, (fictitious names designating the unknown heirs, devisees, distributees, issue executors, administrators, successors or assigns of Deceased), and all other persons unknown, claiming any right, title estate, lien or interest in the real property described in plaintiffs complaint, be served by publi I fitmlti KBtrn' I PEST CONTROL TERMITE CONTROL DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS A READER SERVICE OF THIS NEWSPAPER Business Opportunity EARN II 1 COG MACHIN6 Create a fascinating desktop, mechanical wooden toy Turn the handle, spin the gears and watch the bronco buck Other top figures: jogger, basketball player and more 6x17x19 inches. Plans, full size patterns, illustrated instructions 1673 $5 95 SATISFACTION OH YOUR MONEY BACK' EXTRA INCOME As A CARRIER of THE INDEX-JOURNAL Pleasant work: Excellent opportunity for college students, housewives or third shift workers. 223-1413 Apply in Person or Call for Appointment CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT JUNGLE PIN-UPS These animal pin-ups are the stuff dreams are made of.

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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.