The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)

r.Tr "ir; cr THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1920' 112 Hilli: jVlllull lii.taaiv 1 A Day Laborers Go On Strike in Illinois Fields Today av Aaaccirco hki July 22. Strike of any la bore, rs in southern lllinoia-roul fleldv with demando tor higher waitea, I Covers for Auto Seats and Washable Gordon Jiffy Cuahiori Slip solve the problem' of high-" grade, low-coat seat covers. They are the latest style from the leading truia-er of fine automobile fabric goods- Correct appurel for the finest car, at prices suited to the itu11 utility runabout. 03.40 to $8.15 Per Scat Just picture your car dressed up as invitingly clean and attractive as the one shown above. You can muled it so with these common-sense, tvathabU slips.

And think ci the piotecoon to your clothes, tb. fieah, cool comfort you wilt i.Joy cumpaied with but, uncovered cuabkma, Voa, yourself, can put them on-et the bmtton kndl and all (a twenty minutes. They're almpl button-boled on and unbuttoned for Waabinf hw soiled. Mad of durablt, fiuVmuferiotV. Partlcelar people in tb fashionable cantata, and easy, practical wopl.

nw.wlun have adopted them enthusiastically, W. have loem in guxs miiuh we (now tney at. everytuloe; a cushion covet should beatyuah, washable. Stsil tb0J' iuPiv Loses 50 Bridges AiKUrwin, July 22, Hpilul The ilamiiffl ilone to the bililgi-H of ihe comity 'bz the heavy rain 'I'lit'Htiay nlKhfe Wns alniOHt uk Ki'eut 6H tliw datnage hy the tint heavy rafn which fell iMondiiy nlrflil. Kither ruin alone i Ijii'tter lhan any rain in several yturs and as a riuH th result the oiinty him been hard hit bu Driiigex, witn a poi- more nor.bavlnx been re potted, to" the supervisor.

tr. nint; siaua yesieiuuj tnai lie (iHiliiiuted the Ion. to the county tit lut Ineliidlng the ilumufcc lia been doiiA to of 'einbnnkuientg and up proa-. cbcti to bridge. Hupervlsor King reRretted tlmtjhe convict force wan KimiU, 4nly forty prlfonera bcliiR on the pulilio works at thU time.

With thl i number it Is ImponHible tor tbe bridges in be re-built on ghort order and, ail thoxe who can help In the rebuilding are asked to do so. One third of thetwentyneven Presl- Idcntg of the United Stnles, Including nearly all of those who achieved wide fume and popularity, were in uuturated on Mondays. it a.llaa1 EVERETT TRUE Saf and 3 i Gordon Easy-on Tire Covers This Kasy-on Tlra Covn la 6n cf the bt Invest. you can make. It protects youf spar, tita from deterioration, Mu any style of tite terrier of wire wheel, Made of durable duik rtU.

Piked from i.SO tap. Gresham Motor ft Truck Company Owen Tire Rubber Company .1. Ground in Greenwood by r. CJeaiiH. Th'oy ilon't be' onldred.

In cce you break' your we are prepared to grind practically any lens made, tittip' exprimentino; wilh your eyes if your glasses do not suit you have your eyes examined, and the correct lens will be made and fitted lo your eyes. Our reputation is your protection. P. Jeans. Jeweler and Optometrist Wo are in a position to do "all kinds' of Vulcanizing.

We recently into- quarters in Hipp Bros. Garage below City Hall. We -have modern equipment ajid all is'guaranteed. Do not' throw your old tiros? away Jiave them repaired. They will.

give you many miles of service. D. F. Clark V- rnirrljr With Keller lire-, A. Financial m.

Stronghold- Never Shaken By Tanics or. Tight Money. Bank of Greenwood I.IIHT Automobile P.wnnS plain N'o. 8. Kinder pluawi return to B.

t'owhefd, room 2ni Nutlonul Bank tlfcenwoDd. 8. 7-22-lt. HTOI.KS Kurd Touring; car, atolen Wed-neailay about oVIwk on OrneS Ktrwt. Car had tan bodv and top with Nunilwr Twenly.Heven.

Fahned on baty In large blaeK. fitiiiresv Itewjtrd If returned to J. I'lum tiraiu'li, 8. V. FOR Hl K-r-Two Fold Tijiiritiif eurs.

Hhin abma-bern. etc. "Hie plus; Koi'd. Irlees riKlit 'Mee us at once or au U) Hipp Uiob. UaruKe.

Kvlhir ilroa. LIVE STOCK. POULTRY AND produce; FOR MAI, three Riillon eow. Price r.aitiahle, t'hone l8A, Mrs. C.

w. Brown. 3-32-St rOR HAIK A good nflrn eow. Price VW.Oti. J.

A. I i'okenmuy SU 7-17-31' FR HAI.K tmer Jersey COW. SUinK l-2 or milk tier ly. I'rh-e l0.ii. Mra.

M. a Jlurnett, Ml Oak Sr. 7-2t-St FOR HA 1.1! Young Jrrwr cow. Klvlng three, gallons milk and one pound ol i butler dmlr. rnlf about two iimnthH old.

Huch Jg. Oih-S, at foet lirio-e. nr i LiierO'iiOia VeC fx used last year to.KILLCOLDS sr. fV- tablft iorm-Ml iiirt, no oplett bKaki up a cold la 34 hfiitrtt t.Ikvm irrta in 1 d.v. TV Valeat batk Hit laili.

The V. s. muIm box Rtd vi.i! HAVE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD Expert Indian, from South. America, reads your mind, and palm. Will answer' any qu ion Th charge is Let salve, your mysteris for you; The tent is located on Maxwell Avenue.

DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains cr ailits; feci tired; have headache, in painful pass-L ui ioe, you will find relief in COLDMEDalL a world's standard remedy far kidney, liver, Uaddor and uric acid troublea and National Keraedy pf Holland since 1646. 1 hfee all Guaranued. Loa fat b. warn. Celd Medal aa avafg bus a4 ecc0t aa IL FOR THE HAIUS SAKE Take the Kinks Out 1 BY DSINQ' UARAtlEt It cromotera btaltby growth, re.

llevea itcaing of the eoatp, euras tttvr; removes 4andrutfx gualua Uw hair oft and lung. Aeept a. lubititittta. At all drug itorn, anifby aiail the. Krtd atanipt at coin.

Agent vranwo. Write 'for arupgaitleiw MFG. CO. M3-V E. Huawe Atlanta, fJa.

Dank With Greenwood's Three and a Half Million Dollar Bank. Bank of Greenwood Goodnasa. The world Is not sufferinj for new ld'as so ninch as for; the brave and faithful living of some very eld Mens. TiutU, Justice, honor, and bnselBsh-uew are not new, bdt they are all too ra -e 4n our common dally intercourse. W.

fln butter do without genius Urns The cultivated tea ifcii" today had cloned more than a score of nuneg in me important, ranklin coun- ty coal fielda. Ueporta from the ola- iruii arounu iieiievuie huiu nun up- proximately 12,000 men were idle. The day laborers, including dciverif miinermen and pump niea, averuga 5.f.O per day and are dematuliij per uuy increane. Memberg ot the Illinois Uu Operators Association, who had been in ent reprejteiitatireg to WaahliiKton witl a plea to re-open the miners waRe hearings. MRS.

COrmVAI.US WEST IS PEAK IN ENfiLAJiD a ocitci earaa MlUord, Ktieltid, July 22. Mrs. Com wall la-West, wife of the late Col ouol Wm. Corowalllg-west and mother of the Princess of the duch*ess of Westminster, died at Aroe- wjiou, near nere. vestorda.

tw a hmg llnes. Zty Cqnii SHtflT I can rise higher than i Excharigc Bank la Green wmhI ratfnly." -v. HELP WANTED. WA.M JWtion Ly yiiunir In iraia ilil. ifili o( ltnlwal liuiiMtY full ')'.

7-l(l-Jt MISCELLANEOUS. illrlVI.KTI'n ASti tU (11110 d-mo I IliitMi. -INn-M urnitiiic i'ij, MUl- -THERK' JtO.1l, OOoff" a Vour nlck.l cji buy aa of deiwrxtubl. aimlliy aa fou gl la ai bottle of fa euld i WANTHl A I'Ihiki. MiiBt til liwxr 'ii((liiloii.

Mumfikrd Minify arid In price, fall 13.. -WW v. i CI I'll. TI HUXII lit i'ljiutitiimtit," pli-anu JMixft lji.i, Kmilli, ,110 I'tmii. 7-21 .11 I TO KENT IMS kVt flVK ii five or nl room liouw! to rtut.

t'lione Vi or Me A. tVTiHli Iiidhxjunriml utlUts. Milt. and board In prlvaut, nome or nice nnarutrifr noiiae. Anwi' 'Voiina Ladx" cure iudfx-Journiil.

t'itH HE N'r-(iariiire on Mum MlrfH. FowMMilon si van July Int. (i. Ruxh 7-iil-t i i yOK HF.VT LpflUlra rouma. tl, Apply to M'A NTKU TO HKAT- II.

line of I to rvMima, unliable tor twotamillB. I'ln 70. or Re. A. C.

Todd, lmtt Journal uffire, 7-Ju-tf. l'OU HKMT Itoom Hi Orac Street, ctin-nvi'llii baUi. H. Anderaun. 7.2-It A JIT ED At to Was for or mtmthfl, on.

hm, aln. two Milut be In good luu.llty. ItiKbt lr tor rlfibt Ai.yly Btlk.Wmuua Co. MM it. FOR ttrT At a barraln.

larue tilrnuiH- mA h.n.MA will thm Ail- I dra J-urnished Houae, T-S0-71 BOOM FOR RENT To a reflned youug (jeutltiiuau, Reasonable rates. Apply at. once- to Mra. Pavwt AlKm, on Bailey Circle, or write to Ros 16. Il'MIlEB A.HTE -KVltr foot pine wood in Iota of one car to 'twenty-five rain.

Hint what you hava to offer and prior Delivered llreenville, Hunpsonville or Kountuin Inn. Woodnlde Col lull Mlll S. J. HlH AI.K About U.UU0 Nu. 1 ItcU Otlar Miriniflea.

Mnke me an offer, A. L. Uroaiiwatur, Kmne SSVX. 7-l'U-l SOTIC'B Contractors and tuildra. We hava IU atuvk a full ttupply of aiiRlra niuailv lij and iu trngtli up lo ill feet We Hava a fun Una dt Majmtw cbaie, ash pit dump, and rl-an oM dixun.

Ordera filled promptly, tirat'iivlll. Iron Wora. t-4-3ilt BUILDING OF ALL KINDS We are equipped to do your work, large or Bmall. We are in position to do work of all kinds in neighboring towns. If you are consider ing building Anything in the near futureTake the matter up with us.

Welch-Stepp Construction Greenwood, S. C. Phone 082. 6-26-EOD JOB wnod, delivered or In the Apply K. Tolbart, Oiwn- ood.

Slur Ituute. 7-21 -St REAL ESTATE SOTtf K'Joy Bmntalow" in B.hcefleld llciilhla will lie comoletPd and rcaily foi liiiinediute dale Willi-In a ffw days. It ha 4 preily riamis and tw'lt, lliflita. wutor, ami ivtnva, on nlut lot, tlimu iah, hulaure at monthly rent i-ntea peta W. aid.

Vanucy May. 1 MlH Nl.t-1 imy ai-rea of land more or loaa, from lug about tua yards on Ihe Highway from t. liwood to Ullnvna. Una and one-bait' nillea frum tlreen-wmid. ril- per aere.

Termr cuah. In iiue.and two year MrniKiits at I per cent. A. H. Sample.

7-is-ai t'OB, SAI.E new houae, ell rooms. 'l lila In au exwilent otivort unit to buy a r.kmI noma. M. hone or lblA. BtNtJAl.OVt "FOR Htfltr On Cartdlna Ateiiue.

Mae A room and hatli. lm 'mediate uuaavfaJon. Vaitoey Aluv. 7-2S-SI i ROM IN TUK WOU NTAINH--W build you a yuli.toilt itungalow oh jfour lot In Ilia HHHiutaitia, or we can fumlab you tb. lot and build the bungalow.

Vou tan wcupjr or rent to advantage. Meveral beautiful uta eloai lu at liendaiaonvilbi. C. J. V.

lOnla mlnger. 1 -t7-U IN Vt srai- i mm within th-nen-x wianl City Hm 1 1 at at reiuknabl pi we aiK-ey Alav. t-l-l Ait'i I A home that the owner want? torli. Yanuey AUy. AUTOMOBILE FOR HAI.R Hnii Rlt Aulrt.

1S5 model prnetleHllr Ul I'. Box i-21-Jl You are cordially invioctQ be.p;es-ent at our. store on JULY 22ND T024TI1 INCLUSIVE Ask to see tb aruacdvs patterns. Smaten Motor Car Company Piedmont Motor Co. "I.IQ10K CLAt'ftES AM)M Nt-w York.

July 22. 1iisui(UH'e mm pain" bftre ttwiiiy nniunvci the in piuslnn of "Jjimor Iiiuhos" In their burBlnry policies protect the owner" nt private nti'k. A rlturKo of twenty percent a yeaf oIIkImuI valn of the wpek maito for lue haturd ami 'only one fifth" of tlmloUU amount 01 tl) pilk.y tiuiy bp on liquor. for the first presentation of Advanced Styles and Woolens for "NEEDLE-, MOLDED" clothes. Autumn and Win- tor This exhibit -has been arranged through the Globe Tailoring Cincinnati, with this store.

Globe man in charge al i '1 batisrv G. F. WEARN rand woolens will bo shown in full length 4. The service of a bank cannot rise than the ideas which aro back of it any more than a stream its source. CLO.

CO. "The Home OfRdier Clothes." The size and strength of thisbank are sure indications of a healthy, and high, ideal that will render a standard of service to the depositor which is and satisfying. National Loan Oulj National Sank A i nejrt ie heart is better. 7: nikmlng lmn passed loRiUatlon looking to the olectHlcaUon of. th enliie sy3lm ot tie" railroad In You will be glad some day if you start an account now and grow with ilffi AMERICAN.

BAIJK Jt S) t3 HlilNG- DiQ JOO TitAT "1 OOCt tWONCct UT MU.CAk.ubP HIS WCLL-Oio TH I J0E6 fj OFFICE' OCT? 'V 'H' iNtt ttp voo? Sim y-V -Xv rM If SmPtM MWi OEltfflS -iai3 si By- George McManus I-nl try il tl.ts new wv. your tor Cream l'JI tllM rt-i iiwuiut, 1 'i '1 'Is i ti.

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.